www.meatplace.gr , the news web portal, provides daily, valid and timely information to all its visitors. At any moment the reader can, at a mouse click, be informed about international news and matters concerning their profession and the meat market.
At the pleasant-looking and readable www.meatplace.gr website, the visitor can find the following news categories: local and international news, legislation matters, corporate news, events and future trade fairs, updates on livestock farming and related sectors, industry news, new product launches, news and announcements related to butcher’s shops as well as all the actions of trade union bodies of the sector, communication details of all the butcher’s associations in Greece and finally a complete and particularly user-friendly market guide including all the major companies which operate in the meat sector. Through the website, the visitor can read online all the issues of the MEAT PLACE magazine in electronic form.
It should be noted that besides the printed and electronic version of MEAT PLACE, every week the MEAT PLACE Newsletter is electronically sent to 7000 recipients, not only experts in the meat market but also professionals interested in the specific market.